Closing exercises

Luray College

June 3, 1887 — The principal in his remarks referred to the increased patronage of the Girls Home School during the past year, and stated that he had more encouraging prospects for the coming year.

He expressed great gratification at being able to say that for the first year during his long experience as a teacher, there had not been a single case requiring discipline; that every scholar had acted well her part.

He reported the names of 11 young ladies, as follows: Nellie Garvin, Hattie Dull, Josie Ryan, Mamie Yager, May Lillard, Lily Bechtol, Alma Buckley, Lily Flinn, Estelle Miller, Sallie Strickler and Carrie Russell, who were entitled to distinction by reason of having attained an average standing during the year of 95 and upwards. 

~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier


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