Decision 2024-Luray Council ~ Q&A with Chuck Butler

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Chuck Butler

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Page Valley News will be publishing profiles of seven local candidates in two contested town races in this fall’s general election beginning Aug. 15. These Q&As will be published around midday on Mondays and Thursdays and can be found on the “Luray” page. PVN will focus on Luray because they are the only locality in the county with contested races.

In September, PVN will be broadcasting pre-recorded debates between the candidates in these two contested races through our YouTube channel. Click on the YouTube icon in the upper right on our Home page to subscribe to our channel ahead of time.

Charles A. “Chuck” Butler Jr.

  • Age: 60
  • Education: Juris Doctorate, George Mason University School of Law 1989; B.A. Major in History, Minor in Communications, Shepherd College, 1986; Luray High School, 1982.
  • Work: Attorney, Law Office of Charles A. Butler, Jr., Luray, VA 2003-2024; Miller & Earle, Luray, VA 2000-2003; Law Office of Charles A. Butler., Jr., South Boston, VA 1997- 2000; Vaughan & Slayton, South Boston, VA 1994-1997; Chasler & Adrian, Winchester, Va., 1990-1993.
  • Community Service: Luray Lions Club, 2000-2024; South Boston Lions Club, 1994- 2000; Winchester Host Lions Club, 1990-1993; Choices Board, 2010-2015; Page County United Way Board, 2000-2004; Halifax County United Way Board, 1991-1994; Shenandoah Area Council Training Staff, 2006-2024; Boy Scout Troop 289, 2002-2017; Cub Scout Pack 55, 2000-2006, Cub Scout Pack 497, 1997-2000.
  • Family: Two sons, Charles Allen Butler III and Thomas Carroll Butler.

Why are you running for Luray Council?

I was always taught by my father to give back. I felt this was the best way to give back.

What makes you the best candidate?

My love for our town and commitment to it. That with 60 years of life experience and 34 years of law practice.

What is the most pressing issue facing the Town of Luray?

We need to bring business into our town. Businesses mean jobs and opportunity for our citizens. We need to understand that we are competing with other localities for those businesses and jobs. We need to be prepared to do just as much, if not more than the other towns in our area. We also need support our existing businesses to keep them here and providing jobs.

What is one thing that you would like to change or improve?

I believe that communication is a two-way street. We need to improve not only out-going communications, but we need to improve how we receive incoming feedback from the citizens.

• Briefly describe a decision you have made in a leadership role and tell why you made that decision.

As the head of the Shenandoah Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, training committee, I was in charge of the Wood Badge Course S7-598-20. It was my job to recruit the staff and train them. I interviewed many Scouters and picked the best person for each staff position. I knew most of them personally and had a good feeling for what their strengths and weaknesses were. So I was able to maximize their talents into positions that suited them and highlighted their strengths.

Early voting starts Friday, Sept. 20


For election information visit the Page County Voter Registrar.



VIDEO ~ Page Valley Livin’ talks with Luray Council candidate Chuck Butler

November ballot set for town elections

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  1. President Ronald Reagan said the most dangerous words in the English language were, “I’m from the government, and I’m here help you.” What is your plan then, to bring businesses into Luray? Being thin on the details, can and will be used against you.

  2. Funny, if Reagan is your inspiration, and “da government” is essentially evil and malevolent, then why do anything?

  3. All people are not perfect. Governments are run by people. We say the government is a “necessary evil” similar to road vehicles. Vehicles are necessary to travel and haul per the law, but people drive them wihile DUI, give the police fake names when stopped, cause property damage, deny other people their rights, etc.

  4. The unemployment rate in Page County is at historic lows. Employers can not find anyone to hire. Electricians, plumbers and other crafts not find apprentices to begin a well paying career. I agree with Mr. Butler that a focus on making Luray a more vibrant town is a good idea. I’m not sure he has identified the problem and you can’t fix a problem until you know what it is.

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