Decision 2024-Luray Council ~ Q&A with Wendy Temple Holtzman

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Wendy Temple Holtzman

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Page Valley News will be publishing profiles of seven local candidates in two contested town races in this fall’s general election beginning Aug. 15. These Q&As will be published around midday on Mondays and Thursdays and can be found on the “Luray” page. PVN will focus on Luray because they are the only locality in the county with contested races.

In September, PVN will be broadcasting pre-recorded debates between the candidates in these two contested races through our YouTube channel. Click on the YouTube icon in the upper right on our Home page to subscribe to our channel ahead of time.

Wendy Temple Holtzman

  • Age: 50
  • Education: A.A.S., Accounting and Business Management, Lord Fairfax Community College, 1993; General studies diploma, Luray High School, 1991.
  • Work: Owner, WTC Tax & Accounting LLC (tax preparation and small business accounting services); Manager/Designer, Distinguished Design LLC (Class A residential building contractor); Owner, John Holtzman, LLC (real estate investment company).
  • Family: Husband, John; son, Brandon.

Why are you running for Luray Council?

I was approached by several members of the community last fall. They knew a slot was opening up on Council and suggested that I consider running. With a lot of pride and honor, I took that suggestion very seriously. As soon as I was able to obtain the forms, I gathered the required number of signatures and submitted my Declaration of Candidacy. My petition was qualified on January 18, 2024. I am blessed to have the support and backing of my family and community.

What makes you the best candidate?

I believe that I am the best choice for the Town’s voters because I will serve with the utmost PROFESSIONALISM, INTEGRITY and TRANSPARENCY. Those are terms that I don’t throw around loosely.

As a business owner, I know the importance of being a professional. We put pride in our work and want our customers/clients to be “over the moon” when we finish a project — I want to serve with that same dedication to people of Luray.

Integrity is imperative in my business and personal life. I’m a law-abiding citizen and would never do something that would jeopardize my career, family or the citizens that I would serve as a member of the Luray Town Council.

When it comes to transparency, I am an open book. I want voters to reach out to me if they have questions or concerns. I would love to see more citizens involved in our Town meetings so they are aware of issues that are in the pipeline. Public input is necessary for any municipality to run effectively.

What is the most pressing issue facing the Town of Luray?

I want the locals to feel like they still have a voice. Our people are what makes our Town great. We must find ways to provide suitable housing so that people do not have to leave the county to find work. In order for tourism to thrive, we need to make sure that the people serving those tourists have a comfortable and affordable place to live. It’s all about finding the happy medium!

What is one thing that you would like to change or improve?

I believe there are many unlicensed businesses and unpermitted Airbnb’s in Town that are taking advantage of our code enforcement efforts. I would like to see a committee formed to assist Chief Cook and Town staff with cracking down on these violators in order to collect on this “lost” revenue. These extra funds/fines would help ease some of the tax burden on the citizens.

• Briefly describe a decision you have made in a leadership role and tell why you made that decision.

As a business owner, I am often pushed into make decisions on the spot. I have realized that simply doing my research and looking at all of the facts allows me to utilize a “common sense” approach when determining the right path. My campaign slogan of “Common Sense for the Common Good” should make our citizens aware that I will always be looking out for their best interests. I will commit to saving money where I can and making decisions that will benefit the community as a whole, especially our locals.

Early voting starts Friday, Sept. 20


For election information visit the Page County Voter Registrar.



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1 Comment

  1. Hello Mrs Holtzman. A question about local affordable housing so people won’t have to leave here to work elsewhere. Well, that’s an admirable goal. Has the President’s Inflation Reduction Act helped any with that? I will followup depending on your answer.

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