December 24, 1891 — During a visit of half day last week in Shenandoah City we saw several things that surprised us: First, we were surprised to see in a town of that size with five bar rooms should have so many citizens who from their appearance never take a drink.
Secondly, that with as fine a furnace — said to be one of the best in the state — with the illimitable supply of roe in its immediate neighborhood, no iron is being made and a number of hands anxious for work are thus kept idle.
Thirdly, we were greatly surprised at the large number and superior quality of houses, businesses and residences, that have been erected there during the last few months.
Fourthly, we were not surprised at the exhilaration of our friend, J.S. Harnsberger, whom we met there, at the beautiful bridge that spans the Shenandoah River, connecting that town as it does with the civilized world.
~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier
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