Magazine feature

August 26, 1961 — The great moment for an antique car restorer probably comes when he first finds the body — buried under a mound of chaff, broken tools and chicken droppings in some lonely outbuilding, perhaps, and looking dead and gone beyond hope. But not to the man who loves to restore them to their original condition.

The man in this case is Ted Graves, proprietor of the Car and Carriage Caravan Museum at Luray, who is featured in the September issue of Mechanix Illustrated magazine. The car that Mr. Graves restored is a 1914 Locomobile Gentleman’s Speedster, built in Bridgeport, Conn. The 70 mph monarch of the highway hasasix-cylinder, T-head water-cooled engine with four forward speeds and reverse. The big car’s wheelbase is 142 inches. 

~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier


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