Meet Julian!


~ Submitted by the Page County Animal Shelter

Page Valley News highlights adoptable pets

from the Page County Animal Shelter to showcase their personality.

This is Julian!

Julian is an approximately 3-year-old male. He came in already neutered, but he has yet to get his vaccines. He was brought to the shelter after he was found munching on some cat food on someone’s porch. We attempted to find his owners, but didn’t have much luck.

He was almost named Jareth after Labrinth’s Goblin King for his devilishly angled face and good looks. But, whereas he is a king, he is certainly not a goblin by any means! He’s affectionate, sweet, and very handsome! And he knows it, too!

He’s always happy to see you coming down the hallway and will patiently wait his turn for attention. This couch potato is an easy going, relaxed cat and content with just napping around the house.

He enjoys watching the birds out the window, but the second you walk in the room, you have his full, undivided attention!

If you’d like to meet Julian in person,

please send the shelter an email inquiry or call the Page County Animal Shelter at (540) 778-2101. Please keep an eye out for our email reply. Sometimes they find their way to the spam/junk folder.

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