Mt. Zion cleans up ‘dumping place’

Old country road

October 29, 1964 — Members of the Mount Zion Church of the Brethren, three miles south of Luray, decided to do something about the unsightly appearance of the roadside leading to the church.

For years this area has been used as a “dumping place” by people who apparently have no regard for roadside attractiveness. The pile of debris was located along the Spitler woods about 100 yards from the driveway leading to the church, and contained articles of every description even some envelopes containing unpaid bills.

About a dozen men of the congregation got together Monday morning and solicited the aid of one of Arthur Ellis’ bulldozers. A large hole was dug behind the pile and then the debris was pushed in and covered.

Charles N. Spitler Jr. said repeated efforts to get the county or state to eliminate this unsightly spot had been futile. So donations from members of the congregation financed the project.

New “No Dumping” and “No Trespassing” signs have now been erected. 

~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier


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