Teenagers injured at fair

Night at the fair

August 20, 1961 — Three Luray teenagers were slightly injured last Friday night at the Page County Fair when they tumbled from a revolving seat to strike an iron railing used as a guard for a “ride.” Although there were numerous bruises and abrasions and one of the three suffered considerable shock they were discharged from the hospital after examination. No bones were broken.

Those involved in the accident were Rebecca Ann Koontz, 14, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Koontz of Luray; Beth Rosine Bonanno, 12, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Bonanno of Luray and Washington, D.C.; and Susie Dubant Koontz, 16, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. William Koontz of Luray.

The “ride” in question was known as the “Merry Mixer,” a device with 16 revolving seats which sit three people each. The occupants are held in with a safety belt. Four of the seats revolve at the end of the cross beams which in turn revolve about a center pivot.

It is not known what caused the accident but Chief of Police Farrar said that the operator of the device said a pin in the rig was loose which might have caused excessive vibration.

~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier


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