February 12, 1891 — A freight wreck near Spitler’s Crossing, four miles south of Luray, delayed trains several hours last Thursday evening. The wreck occurred about 6 o’clock and people living in that neighborhood who heard it, reported the crash — or rather the successive crashes — for there were several — as fearful.
The cause of the trouble is not known, though it is thought to have been due to the breaking of a car. Train Dispatcher Schull, of Shenandoah City, received a severe cut above the eye and Mr. Riley, brakeman, of Hagerstown, had one of his feet mashed.
The engine was dispatched to Luray for Dr. Hudson, who went at once to the scene of the disaster and gave the wounded men the attention required.
Eight cars loaded with lumber and pig iron were completely demolished, and the damage in this respect was the heaviest ever sustained in the county. The track was torn up for some distance, though Superintendent Cook, of Shenandoah City, soon appeared with a large force of hands, and speedily put it all right.
~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier
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