Attempted robbery

Old country road

February 1, 1887 — Last Thursday night, Mr. Julius Somers, son of Reuben Somers, Esq., aroused by the furious barking of the dogs, got up from his bed and went outdoors to see the cause of the disturbance. The moon was shining brightly, and seeing a man standing in the field not far from the store house, and thinking he recognized him as a neighbor, he hailed him, calling him by name.

The man instantly took to his heels and made rapid time across the field. Julius, getting his gun, went reconnoitering and found in the field near where he had seen the man, a salt sack, a five-gallon keg and a number of bottles. It is thought that the thieves, under the impression that Mr. S. had a stock of whiskey or brandy on hand, had come for the purpose of laying in a supply sufficient to last them through the cold snap.

The same night, we are informed by Mr. John David Printz, some one thought to be the same parties, broke into the school house near his residence, and stole a number of books. It is to be hoped they may be detected. 

~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier


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