~ Submitted by the Shenandoah River Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution
LURAY, July 4 — Members of the Shenandoah River Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) sponsored the Fourth of July Children’s Parade, an annual tradition originating with the John Rhodes Chapter DAR over fifty years ago.
Following a brief ceremony including the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer, children dressed in patriotic colors and carrying American flags marched around the neighboring streets surrounding Luray’s Inn Lawn Park with their decorated wagons, tricycles, and bicycles.
Approximately 230 people participated in this year’s festivities. Refreshments were served at the park following the parade.
The Shenandoah River Chapter of DAR expresses thanks to the Luray community for their strong support, including the Luray Police Department, the Luray Volunteer Fire Department, Mayor Jerry Dofflemyer, the American Legion Miller-Campbell-Baker Post # 22, Page County Public Schools Nutritional Services, and all volunteer helpers from the Youth Page Alliance for Community Action (YPACA), and West Luray Rec Center.
The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is the largest non-profit, non-political women’s service organization in the world with over 190,000 members in 3,000 chapters in all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and several international countries. The DAR objectives are historic preservation, education, and patriotism with a motto of “God, Home, and Country.”
Organized on October 11, 1890, and incorporated in 1896 by an Act of Congress, DAR members are women who come from diverse backgrounds and hold a variety of interests. Their common bond is their lineal descent from the Patriots of the American Revolution. Any woman 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution is eligible and welcomed for membership in the DAR. The DAR has teams of volunteers who can assist potential members with their research for eligibility.
If interested, please contact the Shenandoah River Chapter
at dolores1776@yahoo.com or phone 540-652-8854.
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