Clerk candidate attacked by three dogs during door-to-door canvassing

County News Is Sponsored By:

Shirron Ballard

By Randy Arrington

LURAY, Oct. 10 — With candidates canvassing neighborhoods and trick-or-treaters gearing up to go door-to-door in a few weeks, one local candidate on the Nov. 7 ballot offers up her story as a cautionary tale to those approaching an unknown home.

“I was door knocking on Friday afternoon,” Shirron Ballard stated in an email to Page Valley News on Monday. “Went onto a property that did not have signs saying no trespassing or beware of the dog.”

Ballard earned the Republican nomination in May as a candidate for Clerk of the Page County Circuit Court. The longtime librarian at James Madison University is in a four-way race with independent incumbent Grayson Markowitz, and two other independent challengers, former clerk staffer Kim Bailey, and Stephanie Breeden, a staff member in the commonwealth’s attorney office.

“When I pulled into the gravel driveway, I did not see any dogs. I got out of the car and shut the car door … still no sign of dogs. I took a few steps towards the house. Three dogs attacked me. I was knocked to the ground,” Ballard stated in the email. “Upon hearing the commotion, the owner came out of the house and called the dogs off me. The dogs bit and scratched my legs and left hand. I was bleeding from the puncture wounds and went immediately to ER.”

Ballard said the owner of the dogs stated that they were up-to-date on their rabies shots. She added that the dogs were Blue Heeler with Australian shepherd mix.

The clerk candidate stated on Monday that she was “still not feeling good” and “had my bandages and meds changed this afternoon at the ER.”

In allowing us to tell her tale, she hopes to warn others about the potential dangers of approaching an unknown residence, and the importance of owners to post warnings signs if there are animals that could pose a danger to visitors — particularly with the potential for visitors this fall.



Decision 2023-Clerk of the Circuit Court ~ Q&A with Shirron Ballard

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  1. I’m happy you survived this encounter, and it looks like you learned a lesson at relatively low cost: regardless of any lack of signage, you trespassed on private property. Please do not persecute the property owners, whose dogs were protecting them. If a politician wants to “canvass” me, they need to contact me first. Page County is a mostly rural area where folks have every right to enjoy their privacy. Well-meaning politicians running for office should respect that.

  2. I am so sorry this happened to her. She is such a nice, proper, and smart lady with a big, big heart.
    The incident is a personal matter, but with her remarks we can see she is thinking of others and how improve our community with her advise. As a candidate, she is VERY WELL prepared to take the job as Clerk of Court. She is responsible, a great citizen who loves Page County. A true lady and extremely knowledgeable citizen.

  3. I have a 80 lbs pitbull that was out in the yard while she was doing some canvassing but she came right past him to knock on my door granted he’s a sweet dog but why go door to door anymore on other people’s property that’s taking a big risk that them votes are not worth and now since it has gone threw the hospital them dogs are probably at the pound because of a bite case report which will have to go threw court and will be a mess all for a vote you won’t get from that person now anyway hold a meeting somewhere invite the community to talk don’t just stroll up on people’s property without invitation I feel bad for the owners of the dogs

  4. Unfortunate about the dog encounter. Glad it wasn’t worse for her.
    But while we’re on the subject of trespassing, a little bird told me in the past that yes, without No Trespassing signs clearly visible, or being told by the owner to keep out, it’s the same as an invitation to enter onto another’s property. For a trespassing charge to be successful, the trespassing person must be proven to know they are trespassing.
    No Trespassing signs don’t look very friendly, but they will protect against a lawsuit for an injury, since the trespasser was not supposed to be there in the first place.

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