Council raises rates at Hawksbill Pool

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Swimmers enjoy Stanley's Hawksbill Pool to beat the summer heat.

Day passes remain the same; season passes, pool parties, shelters all up; Town of Stanley Trout Day and Car, Truck & Bike Show coming March 22

STANLEY, March 12 — Noting the increasing costs to maintain the Hawksbill Pool, members of the Stanley Council voted unanimously to increase some rates at its most-popular recreational offering during Council’s regular March meeting.

Recreation Director Teri Beers recommended maintaining Day Passes at $5 for children ages 4 to 12, and $6 for ages 13 and up. Senior Citizens (ages 65 and up) will continue to swim for $5 a day. Beers said those rates were comparable to other facilities across the region and should remain in place.

However, each season pass rate jumped by $10, with Child and Senior now at $90, and Adult at $100. A Season Family Rate (immediate family only) is now $55 and $50 for each add-on adult and child, respectively, beyond the first two adults, who pay full price.

Pool Party rates also increased beyond the first tier. If the party is for 25 people or less, the party rate is still $200. Once the group rises to 26 to 50 people, the rate increased from $225 to $250. A group of 51 to 75 people rose from $260 to $300; and a party with 76 to 100 people went from $310 to $375.

Shelter rentals increased across the board, but the upstairs hall rental remains the same at $200 for a four-hour event, or $300 for all day. The Large Poolside Shelter is now $75 (was $60); the Ruritan Shelter went from $40 to $50; as did the Richard Good Shelter. The rental rate for the Ed Good Memorial Park Shelter went from $50 to $60.

Rental of the Pioneer Bank Performance Center at Ed Good Memorial park remains the same — $200 for 4 hours, then $50 per hour up to a maximum of $500. A deposit of $200 is required.

The Parks Department’s next big event will be the Town of Stanley’s first-ever Car, Truck & Bike Show, which will coincide with the annual Trout Day coordinated by the Stanley Police Department along Little Hawksbill Creek where hundreds of trout will be stocked adjacent the park, on Saturday, March 22.

The car show is being dubbed an “if it runs, it comes” event welcoming cars, trucks, bikes, firetrucks, and even golf carts. Pre-registration by Wednesday, March 19 is $10, day of the show registration is $15. Participants may call 540-778-3454 or fill out a Google form at

There will be a Chinese auction from 12 to 2 p.m., with drawings at 2:30 p.m. There will also be food, raffles, music and fun for the whole family.

In other business at its March 12 meeting, the Stanley Council took the following actions:

• Heard the monthly police report stating that during February 2025, the department answered 387 calls for service, 294 of those self-initiated, with 11 citations written (eight for expired inspection).

• Unanimously adopted an agreement with the county regarding Animal Control Services. The Town does not have to pay a fee to the county, as proposed earlier by county officials, and much of the language remains the same as a previous agreement.

• Heard that the Stanley Police Department intends to create two scholarships for high school seniors at Luray and Page County High Schools in the amount of $250 in memory of fallen Stanley Police Officer Dominic “Nic” Winum, who died in the line of duty four years ago on Feb. 26, 2021.

• Heard that 277 individuals have signed up for the Town’s customer notificatin system through

• Unanimously agreed to a contract with Pyro Technics for $15,000 to provide fireworks for the upcoming Stanley Homecoming. The cost is about double what the Town was paying through a different vendor, who can no longer provide the service.

• Unanimously approved setting the date for the “March for Jesus” event through the Town of Stanley on Saturday, June 14, 2025. The event was moved from a previous date due to a conflict with graduation.

• Unanimously approved renewal of the Town’s health insurance program for employees. The policy renews on April 1. The cost increased an average of $90 per employee, according to Town Manager Terry Pettit.

• Heard a report stating that after a 30-year process — beginning with an agreement with the county when Ron Wilson was still county administrator in the 1990s — Stanley’s well No. 7 is finally producing water. The well can pump 460 gallons per minute and further secures Stanley’s water needs for many years to come.

• Unanimously agreed to donate $500 to the After Prom Committee at Page County High School.

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