PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Page Valley News will be publishing profiles of local candidates in contested races for this fall’s elections over the next few weeks. PVN will begin with the Luray Council race, where five candidates will compete for three seats; and then the race for Mayor of Luray, with two candidates. All profiles will be published in alphabetical order at 9 a.m. Mondays and 3 p.m. Thursdays, beginning Thursday, June 25.
Joey Sours
• Age: 38
• Education: MBA, Liberty University, 2010.; B.A. Biblical Studies, Liberty University, 2003.
• Work: Business Consultant, 2013-current; General Manager and other positions, Callao Coffee/Chesapeake Bay Roasting Co., 2006-2013; Principal, Mt. Carmel Christian Academy, 2004-2006.
• Elected Office: Luray Town Council, 2012-current; Luray Planning Commission, 2010-2012.
• Family: Wife, Elisabeth; son, Bryce; daughter, Imogen.
• Why are you running for public office?
I love our community and believe that I have and will continue to make a positive impact. I want to build a legacy for my children and your children to provide greater opportunities into the future.
• What makes you the best candidate?
It’s great to see so many highly qualified candidates running for Town Council. I have a unique blend of a decade of public office experience and extensive business experience wherein I have worked with many firms in nearly every department to help them improve efficiency, reduce costs and grow. I apply these same skills to the position of councilman whether we’re working through the budget, reviewing Town codes, shaping our comprehensive plan or conducting any other other business that affects our Town.
• What is Luray’s most pressing issue?
The Covid-19 crisis has closed businesses all across the nation much less in Luray. This is simply unsustainable. We need to fully open our local economy back up in a safe manner. I understand the health concerns and those must not be ignored, but every day that passes with many businesses closed or working on greatly reduced revenue the closer those businesses get to a point of no return. The Town must work closely with its citizens and businesses to get our economy back on track.
• What is one thing that you would like to change or improve about Luray?
A relative lack of local jobs leads many in our community to spend much of their waking hours commuting instead of with friends and family, serving in their community or shopping locally. During the current crisis, many jobs that have moved to telework will remain that way. Many of our citizens will have the opportunity to work from home or from a satellite office. Likewise, we have an opportunity to attract new residents that are no longer tied to an office building, but seek a better quality of life that Luray’s natural beauty, friendly people, quaint downtown and low cost of living affords.
• Briefly describe a decision you have made in a leadership role and tell why you made that decision.
I decided a long time ago to be a servant leader — to lead by encouraging others, building trust, acting unselfishly and building leadership skills in others. I made that decision because I believe that model of leadership most closely mirrors that of the life of Jesus Christ.
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