April 1, 1965 — Announcement was made on Tuesday of this week that Luray is to have a new industry in the form of the Vandermark Glass Works, culminating many months of effort and negotiation on the part of the Luray Chamber of Commerce.
The plant will be located on the site formerly occupied by Pearson Equipment Company, on West Main Street, which the new firm has purchased from J.V. Pearson.
Heading the new enterprise will be Gerald E. Vandermark, a native of Lancaster, Ohio, and a master craftsman in glass for the past 16 years. He and Mrs. Vandermark, the former Helen Melton of Richmond, will be moving their home from Williamsburg to Luray following the close of the current school year.
Vandermark was originally employed by the Erickson Glass Works at Bremen, Ohio. Since 1960 he has been retained by the National Park Service at Jamestown for glass-blowing demonstrations and as an expert in Colonial glass-making.
~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier
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