Mysterious discovery

Luray Main St old

April 4, 1889 — One day last week as Mr. Renalds was engaged planting grape vines on his lot at the old Furnace, while digging in one of the limestone ledges on the hillside, he came upon a vault about 18 inches below the surface that has puzzled all who have seen it.

It is about six feet long, four deep, two wide at the top and gradually widening toward the bottom, filled with bones, some of which are of very curious shape, unlike these of any animal we have ever seen. Upon being exposed they easily break, and give many evidences of having been buried a long time.

The vault is good masonry, arched over the top and covered with mortar two or three inches thick.

We await further investigation before venturing an opinion as to how it came there, who built it, and what kind of an animal it was that received so secure and careful a burial. 

~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier

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