New Imagination Station grand opening Saturday at Ralph Dean Park

Imagination Station

~ PVN staff report

LURAY — The Town of Luray’s Parks and Recreation Department will host a grand opening celebration for the installation of new “Imagination Station” playground equipment at 9 a.m. this Saturday, May 7 at Ralph Dean Park.

Over the last four months or so, crews have torn down the old wooden structure that was becoming more costly to maintain and potentially dangerous, and replaced it with a brand new maze of ladders, slides and swings.

The re-opening of the popular playground is also being co-sponsored by the Luray-Page County Chamber of Commerce, who will host a ribbon cutting at the event, and the Page Alliance for Community Action (PACA), who plans to help fund any additional needs at the playground.

Local officials are expected to make a few remarks prior to the ribbon cutting about the project, and free cupcakes and drinks will be available afterwards.

Ralph H. Dean Recreation Park is located at 625 Sixth Street in Luray.



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1 Comment

  1. The restored and rebuilt Imagination Station Park was largely paid for with $350,000 of federal funds obtained through passage of the 2021 American Rescue Plan Act (ARCA), which was a major trillion-dollar accomplishment by President Joe Biden during his first year in office and was crafted by the House and Senate Democrats in Congress. Of course, you wouldn’t know that here in Republican Page County because nearly ALL the Republicans in Congress, including our own Rep. Ben Cline, voted against passing the law to make the Biden Administration look incompetent about helping the economy.

    The Administration created ARPA to help us get through Covid-19 pandemic of the last few years that plagued the country, causing 1 million deaths and large-scale unemployment and business failures.

    So, when your kids come home and tell you how great the new Imagination Park is, I hope you’ll remember to write a letter of thanks to President Biden and the Congressional Democrats. The mayor and town council and other attendees at the dedication failed to mention the role of the White House and Congressional Democrats in paying for the restored park, but I appreciate the efforts by the President who’s apparently not as incompetent as the Republicans would have you believe.

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