June 14, 1889 — The delay in opening the new road down the Hawksbill from the forks of the road at the south edge of Mr. Hudson’s farm to Buracker’s corner is one of the things past finding out to every one except those whose duty it is to open it and put it in order for travel.
Whose duty is this anyway?
The town and county have already incurred heavy expense for this route and the hundreds of persons from the county who every day have occasion to use it are loud and vigorous in their denunciation of those responsible for the delay.
It is the only direct route into town from all the Hawksbill, and the delay in opening it is simply an imposition upon every person having business in Luray, who are now forced to go all the way “around Robin Hood’s” barn to get there.
~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier
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