By Randy Arrington
LURAY, June 30 — After an extended and noticeable absence from meetings of the Page County School Board, Page Valley News made an inquiry with the local school board and school administrators about the status of District 1 school board member Tommy Lansberry.
On Wednesday afternoon, PVN received the following reply from Dr. Antonia Fox, superintendent of Page County Public Schools:
“Mr. Tommy Lansberry, a current PCPS Board member in good standing, has an inoperable brain tumor. For the past several months, he has been undergoing treatment and is currently working with his doctors to determine next steps based on the effectiveness of his treatments. Mr. Lansberry has been in communication with the school board and the superintendent. He receives updates and all Board communications are shared with him. Mr. Lansberry gave the school division permission to share this very personal information.”
Typically quiet and soft spoken at meetings, Lansberry had made no public announcements previously about his condition and has not voiced any intentions to resign from his elected office.
“Mr. Lansberry is a valued member of the School Board and the Rileyville community, and the school division will continue to support him and his family,” School Board Chair Megan Gordon said.
If staff or parents of District 1 have any school-related concerns they would like to have heard, they are encouraged to reach out to Lansberry, any school board member including the chair, or the superintendent. Contact information can be found on the division’s webpage (see link above).
“Mr. Lansberry continues to be an advocate for students and staff in Page County, and we look forward to supporting him as he battles this challenge. We are continuing to update him on school matters,” Dr. Fox stated.
Lansberry received 1,448 votes last November and returned for a second, four-year term as District 1 representative on the school board after first being elected in 2017 in a two-way race.
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