January 29, 1961 — “Aunt Allean” Brown, who lives in the Parkway section between Elkton and Shenandoah, celebrated her 101st birthday Sunday, Jan. 15, at her home. Friends and relatives called on her and she received many gifts, including a birthday cake.
Although “Aunt Allean” is badly crippled with arthritis and has been unable to walk for the past two years, she is always busy with her sewing and some of her own housework. She makes quilts and has never worn glasses and can easily thread her own needles. She also commented on the large number of quilts she has pieced and quilted, and she says “I wish you could see them.” She plays the accordion and sings, and also listens to her radio.
“Aunt Allean”is the mother of 17 children, of whom four are living. A son, John, lives with her and a daughter, Mrs. Stella Mayers lives near Shenandoah.
~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier
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