Congressman Cline undermines retired and disabled Americans


Congressman Ben Cline, who represents our 6th District has shown he is not concerned with disabled or retired Americans.

As a member of the Appropriations Committee, Congressman Cline voted to cut Social Security funding by $450 million, which will impact disabled and retired Americans able to get the services they are entitled to.

Additionally, he cut the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) appropriations by 21 percent; this particular point is concerning as the appropriations for the RRB do not come from the National Treasury, the RRB is funded solely from the trust fund paid into by the railroads and their employees through payroll taxes.

Congressman Cline may pass this off as budget hawking, but in the case of the RRB it does nothing for the budget and only serves to prevent the railroaders from using their money to administer their benefits.

Although Congressman Cline and the Majority Members claimed the bill was “prioritizing funding for…programs for seniors and disabled”, their actions show that they have no problem undermining the ability of the agencies to service the disabled and retired Americans.

It is time to start paying attention and hold Congressman Cline accountable for his actions. It is time he starts advocating for the constituents of the 6th district, rather than trying to blame all issues on Biden and immigrants. He is elected to make positive change, rather than point fingers.

    Brandon Elvey ~ Front Royal, Va.

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    1. Nice try at making Ben Cline look like a heartless miser. The 450 million cut you refer to is in the administrative SSA overhead in Maryland. No field offices will be closed.
      It does not impact anybody’s monthly retirement check anywhere.

    2. I farm 276a in Page County and I can find nothing that Cline has done to help the farming community.He voted against the High Speed internet bill, and against protections for our Shenadoah River. Term limits, folks.

    3. Cline and the GOP included a big increase in farm/livestock insurance in the 2024 Farm Bill. You like that don’t you? The Democrats not so much. But plant something, it doesn’t come up, no problem.
      Get rid of or overwhelm either side, the whole farm business in Congress is getting bigger and bigger, a bigger business than even farming itself, and it’s out of control. God help us all.

      • More lies from the radical right. The 2024 Farm Bill hasn’t passed yet because Democrats won’t let Republicans strip money from the SNAP program that supplies food for poor children and families.

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