PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Page Valley News will be publishing profiles of seven local candidates in two contested town races in this fall’s general election beginning Aug. 15. These Q&As will be published around midday on Mondays and Thursdays and can be found on the “Luray” page. PVN will focus on Luray because they are the only locality in the county with contested races.
In September, PVN will be broadcasting pre-recorded debates between the candidates in these two contested races through our YouTube channel. Click on the YouTube icon in the upper right on our Home page to subscribe to our channel ahead of time.
Robert Spencer
- Age: 60
- Education: Year-and-a-half of studies at Northern Virginia Community College; Thomas Jefferson High School, 1982.
- Work: Perdue, 2021-present; Food Lion, 2018-2021; Shoppers Food warehouse, 1982-2018.
- Community Involvement: Luray Ruritan member, 2009-present, vice president, zone governor; youth baseball coach, 17 years, board member; volunteer with Rec Center, Arise, Page Free Clinic.
- Family: Three children; seven grandchildren.
• Why are you running for Luray Council?
I am running for town counsel because I have lived her for over 30 years. As a parent and grandparent, I want to keep the town as a great place to raise a family. I also want to make a difference in the lives of the people who need help.
• What makes you the best candidate?
I have been involved with many different groups in the county. During this time I have gained knowledge of the needs and wants of the citizens in our town. I want to be in a position where I can make change for the people, but I need an avenue so that I can take the voice of the people and make it a reality.
• What is the most pressing issue facing the Town of Luray?
I believe the biggest issues facing Luray are safety and welfare.
• What is one thing that you would like to change or improve?
I would like to see the economic growth, and the housing situation and affordability changed.
• Briefly describe a decision you have made in a leadership role and tell why you made that decision.
Headed a work volunteer group to give back to the community by donating time, and resources.
Early voting starts Friday, Sept. 20
For election information visit the Page County Voter Registrar.
Decision 2024-Luray Council ~ Q&A with Joey Sours
VIDEO ~ Page Valley Livin’ talks with Luray Council candidate Jason Pettit
Decision 2024-Luray Council ~ Q&A with Jason Pettit
Decision 2024-Luray Council ~ Q&A with Wendy Temple Holtzman
VIDEO ~ Page Valley Livin’ talks with Luray Council candidate Wendy Temple Holtzman
Decision 2024-Luray Council ~ Q&A with Chuck Butler
VIDEO ~ Page Valley Livin’ talks with Luray Council candidate Chuck Butler
November ballot set for town elections
You sir, I can see, will have a more visceral understanding of what has to be done and what it takes to do it. You would be a welcome counterpoise to the others on the Council.
This is the most low effort, generic set of replies. As a voter, I still have no idea what this man would do if elected. What does “safety and welfare” mean in regards to Luray?