Electric lights needed in Luray

Luray Main St old

July 24, 1890 — Luray should be lighted by electricity.

The dingy, sickly coal oil lamp doesn’t suit this age, and this town. They are no good. They are a nuisance and should get out of the way of the wheels of progress.

The Land Company we are glad to know is willing to contract to light the town from their electric plant. It can be done with ease, and if the cost is found to be not too great — and we believe it can be done for what the lamps are now costing us — we heartily advocate the change. We are in favor of it even though it cost more.

The council appointed a committee last Monday night to confer with the company on the subject and we hope by our next issue to be able to report a successful negotiation, and that soon our streets may be flooded with electric light.

~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier


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