‘Iconic symbol of the town’

Visitors Center

To the Town of Luray,

The Luray Train Depot Visitor Center serves as a first impression of historic Luray, with its beauty, unique character, and irreplaceable location. Significant investment has been made to renovate, preserve and enhance the depot, reflecting Luray’s past, present, and future. Its ability to delight visitors is unparalleled.

Designed from its inception to welcome travelers, the depot offers high visibility and easy access, a dedicated parking lot, historic restrooms, an impressive museum, and a captivating charm. The Train Depot represents the character of a bygone era of hand craftsmanship and care, absent in modern day buildings. More than just a visitor center, the Luray Train Depot has become an iconic symbol of the town, akin to the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

We should take pride in and protect the Luray Train Depot Visitor Center, ensuring it continues to represent our heritage, historic preservation and pride to all visitors. Please keep the tourist visitor center at the Luray Train Depot to showcase the rich history and vibrant spirit of Luray.

Miles Morimoto ~ Luray, Va.


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  1. I guess the idea in moving the visitors center was to highlight the other architectural abomination across the street at the Performing Arts Center. The PAC looks like it’s made from parts of other buildings that have been pushed together. The new location looks like another candidate to have other out of sync building parts glued to it. Thanks.

  2. This thoughtful letter may have been intended for “County of Page,” as the Town of Luray has been a concerned (and often blindsided) third party in the ongoing friction between County and Chamber… That said, I do think the letter captures our great depot well!

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