‘Beware of people who are oblivious to the obvious’


Beware of people who are oblivious to the obvious. People who lose an election, and believe they won. Not based on evidence. But based on what they “feel.”

I am a Conservative. Many Republicans delude themselves by calling me a RINO (Republican In Name Only). True Conservatives believe in the Constitution, Democracy, and the rule of law. Donald Trump only believes in himself. Every other value, or person is expendable.

Don’t believe me? Pay attention when he speaks. Then watch what he does. Do you really believe if you are loyal to him, you are “special.” If that pitch sounds like a cult, it’s because it is. Even people in some churches imitate Donald more than they do Jesus. Like Donald, they mistake bluster for courage. But they hate real courage.

Donald is incapable of putting anyone, or any ideal, above himself. To not see that, you might be a bright person – but you have surrendered your common sense.

Listen to him talking code encouraging cowards to make anonymous threats, against prosecutors, judges, witnesses, poll workers, journalists, or anyone else he feels threatened by. Republicans stuck on Trump (the real RINO’s) are stuck on stupid. Will the Party be too?

As an aside, I am 76 years old and first registered as a Republican in 1968 when the voting age was still 21.

Jim Tweed ~ Ocean City, N.J.


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  1. “Emily”, not a monster, a propagandist at one end of the spectrum, a tool of the MSM At the other. I would accept a “monster propagandist” however.
    Trump has made personal sacrifices and keeps going while getting attacked every day while the real criminals get a pass.
    Unlike the rest of you dumbbells, I use my complete real name.
    Do the best you can.

  2. And next will be a submission concerning the recent DOJ finding that Joe Biden cannot be prosecuted for willfully mishandling classified information because of his feeble memory and deteriorating mental state.

  3. Sad that the page valley editors had to scour the internet 350 miles away to find a editorial comment that highlights their opinions.

  4. We do not publish our opinions on the national race, nor do we publish our opinions about local races. This letter was sent to us by a reader. We did not seek it out, and would gladly publish one with an opposing point of view.

  5. You may not publish “your” opinions on the national race yet you will publish someone else’s opinion from 300 miles away in another state (i.e, extremely far from being a local opinion). Opinion by proxy. And that entire “opinion” was a bunch of drivel with absolutely no evidence to back any of it up. The only thing of value was the first sentence: “Beware of people who are oblivious to the obvious”. Worse yet are those who purposely turn a blind eye to the obvious.

  6. As a local born resident, i can say that there are plenty of locals who don’t think trump is the second coming of anything but chaos and disaster.
    He is a has been found guilty of civil fraud and owes nearly half a billion, with a b, dollars in those cases and is awaiting trial in 4 different criminal cases regarding criminal acts before he was president, while he was president, and after he was president. He is trying to get anyone else to pay his fines for him, much like his father gave him his fortune to begin with, and fools send it to him because he scares them, “They’re coming for me to get to you!!”
    Really? They’re coming for me for hiding classified nuclear secrets in my bathroom? Go ahead and look, best of luck. I never tried to coerce another world leader to make up dirt on an opponent by withholding aid. I never called a Secretary of State and demanded more votes for me and threatened them if they couldn’t produce them. I never did those things and you probably didn’t either.
    There are actual legal cases mounting against this man, and they come with evidence. I think we should look at that and not just listen to political rhetoric and think this is like rooting for sports teams.
    The case that the Supreme Court will hear in April has to do with presidential immunity and in my opinion, his claims go against the heart of our founding principles of a balance of powers. They created checks and balances in the structure of our government for a reason, to keep any branch from wielding too much authority. Keep in mind if the Supreme Court does rule with trump in April that it would mean that current president, Biden, would then have the authority to do whatever he wanted to maintain power. How would you feel about that idea as a trump supporter? I don’t want any President to have absolute authority, that isn’t a presidency it’s a ruler or a dictator.
    I believe that if Donald trump is left unchecked in his thirst for power and avoiding consequences for his past actions that our system will be imbalanced in ways that will be a problem for generations to come. It would demolish the rule of law that our country has been built upon.
    If you support trump fine, but please, look at some of the facts about the case pending against him and think for yourself about what it means to have someone who has been found civilly liable in a sexual assault case as president. I know he claims they all do it, and he’s just getting targeted but does that sit right with you really? Actually look at this man and listen to how mean and hateful he is when he talks about people.
    That isn’t who we are as a country, we can do better than some New York real estate scammer who can’t even do business in New York for 3 years because of legal judgments.
    Stop following the emperor, he has no clothes.

  7. “Lucky Strike” Trump’s enemies and their quirky legal attacks appear to be deteriorating faster than Biden’s brain. You’re demonizing yourself.

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