September 22, 1887 — A serious difficulty occurred at Marksville, this county, last Monday evening, between Brad Cliff and Roy Alger.
The Courier gathers the following particulars of the unfortunate affair from a gentleman from that neighborhood:
It seems that Alger one night last week shot at two men, named respectively Price and Jenkins, who were passing through his cornfield. The shot took effect in Price’s arm, but did no serious injuries; the act, however, was considered so wanton that Alger was severely censured by all.
On the evening of the difficulty between Alger and Cliff, the former came to Marksville and had gotten into a discussion of the shooting affair with Cliff ’s son, in which very abusive language was used.
Brad Cliff then ordered Alger away, when the latter made an attack on Cliff with a butcher knife, which he was carrying, inflicting a ghastly and it is feared fatal wound in the abdomen.
The knife entered Cliff’s body just below the breast bone, extending downward several inches. The wound was a terrible one, and it was with difficulty that Cliff reached the store nearby, where he fortunately received prompt surgical attention at the hands of Drs. Welfley and Koontz.
Alger made his escape, and up to this writing has not been arrested, we learn.
The affair was one of the most serious that ever occurred at that place.
While Cliff is doing as well as could be expected, it is feared that his wounds may prove fatal, as they are almost certain to do should inflammation set up.
~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier
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