May 11, 1911 — Tramps, hobos and railroad freight passengers for the last week or 10 days have found the road to Luray a rough one to travel. Detective Mayfield, of the N.&W. Railway has been the author of all their woes.
So many accidents happening to persons riding on freight trains is the reason for the railroad company taking vigorous actions against all trespassers on their trains.
Some 10 or 12 transgressors were carried before Mayor Berry for the offense, all of whom were fined. Those who paid were discharged. Those who failed to ante, were put to work on the streets.
Some of the latter refused to work. They were remanded to jail on a diet of bread and water. Later the Council passed an ordinance, ordering those who refused to work to be lashed, a power we understand that the state law confers on the town council.
It is to be hoped that out of it all Luray may be ridden of the tramp nuisance.
~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier
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