More than 7,000 enjoy Hawksbill Pool, $1M left in ARPA funds and other news from Stanley

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Swimmers enjoy Stanley's Hawksbill Pool to beat the summer heat.

~ PVN staff report

STANLEY, Sept. 14 — Stanley Parks and Rec Director Teri Beers reported to the Stanley Council last week that 7,425 swimmers enjoyed the Hawksbill Pool during the 2022 season, which ended Labor Day weekend. The Stanley Stingrays enjoyed another successful season with around 60 swimmers, and the facility at Hawksbill Park hosted five Night Swims and three Movie Nights, as well as 42 pool parties, with visitors from 19 states.

However, Beers also reported that a pool pump went out right at the end of the season — on the last day — and there is still a leak in the pool that caused the water level to drop 18 inches in one week. The council discussed the potential of using federal funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to cover the repair costs. Staff has contacted Uncle D’s Pool and Spa to find a replacement pump, and National Pool is coming to the site soon in an attempt to find the leak before the pool is covered for the winter.

Despite the pool closing, Stanley’s Recreation Department remains busy as they prepare for a Vendor Show from noon to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 29 — just before the very popular Halloween Block Party on Main Street.

In other recreation news, Beers reported that five spaces (at $25 per space) were sold by the Town at Ed Good Park for the recent Route 340 Yard Crawl on Sept. 10. Also, Pettit Paving was expected to begin working on the entrance to the new dog park last week.

The Stanley Council briefly discussed the need to close the gate at the entrance of Hawksbill Park in the evenings and work with the police department in order to eliminate the “traffic after midnight” that’s being seen at the location. Stanley parks operate under a “dusk to dawn” closure policy with any occupancy during those times considered trespassing — with the clear exception of those renting facilities at the park for special events.

In other business at its Sept. 14 meeting, the Stanley Council took the following actions:

• Received a report from the Town Manager that $678,393.60 in ARPA funds have been spent, with $1,057,272.40 remaining. All ARPA funds must be spent or obligated by contracts by Dec. 31, 2024. All projects that utilized ARPA funds must be completed by Dec. 31, 2026.

• Unanimously approved the Town Manager’s recommendation to set Stanley’s Fall Cleanup for the week of Oct. 10-14.

• Heard a report from the Town Manager that cellular service for T-Mobile customers has been interrupted around the Town of Stanley in recent days due to the cellular company replacing Sprint antennae and hardware on the Town’s water tower. Service has been interrupted for about three weeks with the completion of the work anticipated within the next few days. Once the work is completed, T-Mobile will reportedly provide an improved 5G service to the area.

• Heard a report that Burner Electric was scheduled to finish the electric vehicle charging station at Ed Good Park this week.

• Unanimously approved using roughly $15,000 from the police department’s budget to fund a proposal from Vision Technology Group to provide internet protection and back-up services for the Town’s digital records, online services and email. Under the proposal, the rate would not change for two years and would provide 24/7 support with a quicker reaction time to problems than the Town’s current provider. The new service would also directly help the police department.

• Unanimously approved spending $8,000 in ARAP funds for a software application that can map out the Town’s water lines. The Town’s sewer lines have been mapped out, but not water lines. Also heard that the Dial-Log System was being installed at the wastewater treatment plant last week.

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