Page Schools preparing for pick-up/distribution Tuesday and Wednesday

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~ PVN staff report

Page County Public Schools posted the following instructions on its website Tuesday, March 24 regarding a planned pick-up/distribution day for all schools in the county on Tuesday, March 31 and Wednesday, April 1:

“On [March 31] and [April 1] from 8 to 11 a.m. and 4 to 7 p.m., staff will be available at each school. At this time you will pick up review packets, student belongings, etc. in the following fashion. 

“For elementary students, it will be drive-through style with staff bringing out student belongings and work packets. 

“For secondary students, you will be allowed in to clean out lockers and receive work. (No more than 10 people are allowed in at a time) 

“This work will be distributed by either online access or if internet/device is an issue, paper packets will be provided. 

“For those unable to pick up the packets and belongings, please contact your school. 

“For the next two weeks, students will complete the work that is provided during this time. 

“To pick up medications, you will need to go to the nurses office one at a time.”

The Page County School Board will meet Monday, March 30 at Luray High School. Closed session will begin at 5:30 p.m., with the regular meeting following at 6:30 p.m.

On Wednesday, March 25, the local school system posted the following announcement on its website with regard to continuing the education of county students:

“Following Governor Northam’s school closing announcement, Page County Public Schools has developed the following schedule to provide opportunities for students to make academic progress and continue to learn and grow:

  • April 2-15, 2020 — Students will complete instructional activities that assist in continued thinking, learning, and inquiry. 
  • Students may access these materials online or pick-up these items at their school on March 31 or April 1, 2020 (8-11 a.m./ 4-7 p.m.) 
  • Online materials may be accessed using the link below or via a student’s Google Classroom account.” (cl

The Virginia Department of Education has created the “COVID-19: A Parent Guide for School-Aged Children” to serve as a resource for parents, families and caregivers on a variety of topics related to COVID-19 and their students. 

Continue to visit the VDOE website for additional updates and guidance on COVID-19.

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