Recovery home proposed on West Main Street and other news from Stanley

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270 West Main St, Stanley, VA
The home of Gene Goode on West Main Street in Stanley was the first home donated to the Valley's Rise Above Foundation.

Rezoning request would allow higher occupancy; special use permit would allow operation of recovery facility

STANLEY, June 12 — Andrea Good gave a heartfelt, and even personal, presentation to the Stanley Council last week, seeking support for an organized effort to help others struggling with addiction in our community. She spoke of her own struggles, her own sources of strength, and how she wanted to help others find a similar path to recovery before returning to our community.

“They can be helped,” she told council members. “We just have to care.”

Holding posters filled with faces and the words — “Recovery is Possible” — supporters flanked Good as she presented preliminary plans to operate a “recovery home” or “facility” at 270 West Main Street. The home of Gene Goode was the first home donated to the Valley’s Rise Above Foundation, to provide the proper environment for those recovering from addiction.

“With many different resources coming about over the last year, we have decided as a community to lift the blanket of denial and come face forward with the rising issue of addiction,” reads a report that Good distributed to council members. “Together, we can build our community back up to be the strong place it deserves to be, not only for the people now, but for the people in the future.”

The recovery facility being proposed would serve only males. Successful applicants would enter a 14-week plan with a counselor and “learn the techniques and tools needed for sobriety.” Operating potentially in large part on grant funding, the facility would be required to meet a number of standards and regulations. In addition, Goode outlined how the three-month program would not only teach basic life skills like personal finance, job search and resume building, and volunteering hours to the community; but it would subject residents to random drug tests, rebuilding family relationships, and a signed contract to follow the rules. Plans are to keep “tabs” on the residents even after they leave for up to 12 months.

While no action was taken by council last week, Good gave the presentation in order to gauge council support on two legislative steps that will need to be taken in order to operate the recovery facility in the donated home. First, Good, as the soon-to-be property owner, will submit a rezoning request with the Town to change the property at 270 West Main Street from Medium Density Residential to High Density Residential, in order to accommodate up to five residents at one time (potentially changing in 90-day cycles). Second, the non-profit that will run the facility will need a special use permit to operate a “lodging house” or “recovery home” or “recovery facility”. Council may need to address the language or definition for such facilities in the Town Code before approving the special use permit, or they may simply handle that in the writing of the SUP, along with any other conditions placed on the permit.

The Valley’s Rise Above Foundation takes donated homes and turns them into a safe environment for sober living. Many individuals who apply to similar homes are immediate or recent releases from jail or prison and usually under parole (and subject to visits or appointments with parole officers). The facility is also open to applications from anyone who simply wants help in overcoming an addiction.

While Good submitted a four-page report to the council, she acknowledged that those plans were still being finalized, and that seh simply wanted to see if there was enough support from council to proceed.

“This is all in the making,” she said. “This is new for all of us.”

Good referenced similar facilities in surrounding counties, and several supporters in attendance told personal stories of how similar facilities in the region changed (or saved) their lives. Members of the Stanley Council seemed somewhat supportive of the concept, but several asked for more information and more detail before being able to render any final decision.

Even Police Chief Ryan Dean seemed sympathetic to the cause, but hesitant of the proposal.

“I know drugs are a problem, and I want to do everything we can to help…but my concern is that a place like this will be bringing in addicts living here that are not from here,” Chief Dean said. “We have our own problems to deal with, we don’t need to take on someone else’s.”

Good said the facility would be targeting the local drug problem.

“I see it as an opportunity to break the cycle,” said Page County Economic Development and Tourism Director Nina Fox, who showed up last week to the Stanley fire hall in support of the proposal. “Quality of life is a big part of economic development.”

In other business at its June 12 meeting, the Stanley Council took the following actions:

• Held a public hearing on the Town’s proposed $2.4 million spending plan for FY25, which represents about a $525,000 reduction in spending due in large part to the end of federal ARPA funds. The only change to the budget will be a monthly increase of $6 to water and sewer customers being served outside of the Town’s corporate limits. All other tax rates and fees will remain the same. There were no speakers during last week’s public hearing, and the council plans to adopt the FY25 budget at a special meeting at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, June 19.

• Heard that a request is headed to Stanley’s Board of Zoning Appeals from Nathaniel Phelps for a variance to build an eight-foot high privacy fence at 275 Chapel Road to block noise coming from the operation of a neighboring Yurk as a short-term rental. Fences are not allowed higher than four feet in yards, and the BZA is expected to hold a public hearing on the variance request for a higher fence.

• Heard a report that after meeting with the county’s Economic Development and Tourism office and receiving guidance on the expenditure of Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) funds, about $60,000 is expected in county TOT allocations for the creation of marketing videos and new signage.

• Unanimously adopted a resolution authorizing the execution of the Virginia Water and Wastewater Agency Response Network (WARN) mutual aid agreement. In times of emergencies, when critical infrastructure breaks down, this agreement allows local agencies to request help from one another and to be there when others need help with parts, equipment or expertise.

• Heard the monthly police report from Chief Ryan Dean for May, noting 363 calls for service, 262 self-initiated, and three issued citations. The Chief noted that the department was down from five to just three employees. Former captain and sheriff candidate Aaron Cubbage has taken a position in Purceville, according to Chief Dean. He also noted a number of grants that were coming to the department after July 1.

• Head from the Recreation Department that the Hawksbill Pool has its best opening weekend since 2018, with more than 400 visitors over the three-day Memorial Day weekend. Director Terry Beers also offered a reminder that Movie Night will be held at 9 p.m. on Tuesday, June 18 with a showing of “The Sandlot” at the Hawksbill Pool. Free admission.

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  1. I saw a typo “seh” in the article (perhaps it can be fixed)
    But most of all, I want to congratulate the initiative and the desire to do something positive for those in need. It’s more comfortable to sit back and do nothing about the social problems we currently face. I applaud the effort, the hope, and the willingness to make a difference. God bless Page County!

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