October 3, 1889 — A parcel of goods, identified by Mr. Strickler, as a part of those taken from his store on the night of the burglary, was found in Mr. Jos. A. Huffman’s barn one day last week, concealed under the hay.
John Campbell, now in jail, had been painting at Mr. Huffman’s and sleeping in the barn, and the circumstances make the suspicion strong that John must know something about the burglary.
The chain of circumstances which have drawn about John in this affair are exceedingly interesting: first the old shoes found on Mr. Strickler’s premises the morning after the burglary, which have been identified as John’s, and now the finding of the goods in John’s lodging place at Mr. Huffman’s are links in the coil.
~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier
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