Randy Arrington Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photo Randy Arrington This user account status is Approved About About Posts Posts Comments Comments I would also add that we did attempt to contact you and were unsuccessful. We did so right after the… On If running for public office, then get on the ballot…no write-ins, please I accept your challenge...we are always striving to improve. Now, I challenge you to run again in two years. By… On If running for public office, then get on the ballot…no write-ins, please I will let Mr. Quintrell speak for himself, but I believe that the 56-year mark reflects the extent of the… On Two-year rainfall down more than 15 inches The process is still unfolding, but the Electoral Board meets Tuesday afternoon to certify all final votes including provisional ballots.… On Who’s the mayor? That is correct. We have offered an opportunity for Mr. Smelser to give an explanation, and he has not contacted… On Smelser steps down as District 4 supervisor Mr. Sanford… that number does not reflect a single precinct (or district). That number represents the total number of votes… On Final election notes… Just to re-emphasize our CORRECTIONS … while the interview was filmed at a Luray home where the car is stored,… On VIDEO ~ Page Valley Livin’ talks with Zayden Judd about his rookie racing season There is a community Thanksgiving dinner being planned for 2024. We will have more information in the coming weeks. On Community Thanksgiving organizers seeking donations and volunteers Our apologies to Mr. Spencer. It was our intention to publish this video around noon today, but technical difficulties delayed… On VIDEO ~ Page Valley Livin’ talks with Luray Council candidate Robert Spencer The host incorrectly stated that he first came to Page County in 2020… he should have stated that he first… On VIDEO ~ Page Valley Livin’ talks with Luray Council candidate Jason Pettit load more comments