Wet weather continues with above average rainfall in May

raindrops on water

Temperatures continue to trend upward

By Carl Quintrell, weather correspondent

STANLEY — The 2024 year-to-date rain total is 16.27 inches, or 0.99 inch above average. The month provided 17 days with measurable rain. A typical May averages 12.

Total rain for the month was 4.83 inches, or 0.78 inch above the May average of 4.05 inches. The wettest May on record was in 1989, with 8.55 inches of rain. The driest May on record occurred during 1977, with only 0.90 inch of rain recorded.

Temperatures for the month of May were above average, with a mean temperature of 66.3 degrees. The 56-year average mean temperature for May is 64 degrees.

The average afternoon high temperature for the month was 76.1 degrees, or 0.6 degree below the average high of 75.5 degrees. High temperatures for May climbed into the 80s on 11 days, the 70s on 13 days and the 60s on seven days during the month. The high temperature for the month was 88 degrees on May 2.

The warmest May dates back to 1977, with an average high temperature of 83 degrees. The coolest May on record was in 2020, with an average high temperature of only 69.5 degrees.

The average daily low temperature for the month was 56.6 degrees, or 4.2 degrees above the average low of 52.4 degrees. Low temperatures for the month were down into the 40s on four days, the 50s on 17 days and the 60s on 10 days during the month. The low for the month was 43 degrees on May 13.

The peak wind gust for the month was 29 mph on May 25.

Records broken during May 2024:

• May 4 — single day rain of 1.09 inches; previous record of 1.03 inches in 1996.
• May 8 — maximum low temperature of 66 degrees; previous record of 61 degrees in 2000.
• May 18 — single day rain of 1.44 inches; previous record of 1.25 inches in 2007.

Other statistics for the month include:

• 16 clear to partly cloudy days (18 avg.)
• 15 cloudy to mostly cloudy days (13 avg.)
• 22 days with dew (16 avg.)
• Zero days with frost (one avg.)
• Eight days with fog (three avg.)
• Five days with a thundershower (four avg.)

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