POW/MIA Day Friday, Sept. 20
Dear Citizens of Luray and Page County:
As is now an annual practice, the American Legion Miller-Campbell-Baker Post #22 turns it attention to this Friday, September 20, for our nation’s annual recognition of its POW/MIA Day. This very special day in honor of our service members who are still listed as” Prisoners of War” or “Missing in Action” was established by Congress in 1998. Since then, Post #22 has stopped to recognize those who have given an extra measure of self to protect our great nation, its liberties and its freedoms.
The members of Post #22 annually take this time and opportunity to help reinforce our country’s commitment to its missing military members. Nearly 81,000 American service members remain missing since having served in World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and other conflicts involving the U.S. We do this to ensure that the words emblazoned on the POW/MIA flag continue to communicate a clear message of our, and our nation’s unwavering support and commitment to its POW/MIA heroes and their families. That message is this: “You are not forgotten”.
Private citizens, organizations and businesses are free to display the POW/MIA flag whenever they wish. Many, like Post #22, choose to fly this flag every single day. We do this in respect of and honor for the thousands of our country’s military personnel who remain held in captivity or listed as missing, from our nation’s involvement in past conflicts around the globe.
This Friday, at the noon hour (when the siren sounds), Post #22 asks that everyone take a few minutes to pray for the safe return of all our nation’s remaining POW/MIA heroes and their families.
Thank you.
Richard Worrell, Past Commander, American Legion Post #22~ Luray, Va.
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