July 8, 1965 — Three 4-H members from Page County were among those named All- Stars at the 4-H Short Course held last week at VPI, Blacksburg.
They were Larry Kibler and Robert Brown, of Luray, and Martha Shuler of Shenandoah.
Miss Shuler is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shuler and has been a member of the Grove Hill Senior 4-H Club for eight years. She is president of the Page County 4-H Council and was named the outstanding 4-H girl in the county.
Robert Brown is the son of Mr. andMrs.FrancisBrown and graduated at Luray High this spring. He is a past president of the county 4-H council.
Kenneth L. Kibler is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kibler of Luray. Dairying has been his special 4-H project. He won the Northern Virginia District diary judging title last year.
~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier
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