~ Press release issued by Page County Public Schools May 29
LURAY ― Graduation ceremonies for both Page County High School and Luray High School will be aired on Saturday, May 30, 2020. The video for Page County High School will begin at 10 a.m. followed by Luray High School at 3 p.m.
Since the end of March, after having been met with challenges never faced before, school administrators across the county set out to find ways to honor the Class of 2020. Over the past several weeks, graduating seniors have been honored by our schools and community by having signs placed in their yards, spotlights on social media, posters hung by community members, banners displayed, t-shirts, and a tribute to the seniors by participating in the “Be The Light” nights at both high school athletic fields.
On Saturday, May 30, 2020, Page County Public Schools will once again pay tribute to the Class of 2020 with the airing of a video graduation ceremony. Over the past few weeks, seniors were filmed walking across the stage, turning their tassels, delivering speeches, and celebrating as Senior class. Video clips have been put together for a “graduation ceremony” to be viewed by graduates, families, and friends on the day of their originally scheduled date and time. A copy will be provided to each Senior following the premiere.
The videos, that will be aired at 10 a.m. for Page County High School, and 3 p.m. for Luray High School, will feature:
*Address from division superintendent, Dr. Wendy Gonzalez
*Speeches from Valedictorians and Salutatorians
*Special recognitions of Honor graduates, Governor’s School Scholars, and Scholarship Recipients
*Awarding of diplomas to individual students of the Class of 2020
We encourage everyone to watch the ceremonies by tuning into YouTube at the designated times using the following links:
Page County High School Graduation May 30, 2020 10 a.m.
Luray High School Graduation May 30, 2020 at 3 p.m.
To the Class of 2020, not much has been normal about your senior year, but you have risen to the challenge, and we know that you will make a difference in this world, not because of the circumstances, but in spite of them. Congratulations on a job well done and know that we are all so enormously proud of your accomplishments. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
• Page County Public Schools celebrates the Class of 2020
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