There’s common ground for those who voted for, or against, Donald Trump to be President of the United States again. First, we all agree he won the election. Second, Kamala Harris didn’t whine and lie to the American people she won. Third, since it was a free democratic election, the American people will get the government they deserve.
For citizens disappointed a majority of voters chose as their leader a demagogue who believes the rule of law doesn’t apply to him, your duty now is to bear witness to the consequences. And remember. For history’s sake.
Stay awake as the herd nods off, avoiding evidence of an insurrection that happened before their very eyes. Observe the idiot wind blowing constantly from the mouths of Trump-pets pretending traitors are patriots. Don’t fall for false equivalencies, like convincing you their retribution is the same as real justice.
Stop thinking about King Rump. Entertainment is his game. He distracts while performing his con. He knows what he’s doing. Don’t waste time convincing those who’ve slid into self-delusion. Mark Twain was right when he observed: “It is easier to fool a man, than to convince him he has been fooled.”
James Tweed ~ Luray, Va.
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