Citizens United must be repealed? NO. It’s the FEC that needs fixing.
Citizens United must be repealed
Community Thanksgiving Day Dinner touches many people in many ways
If the Page County Sheriff’s Office encounters any person who is in the U.S. illegally, what will happen when Trump and his improved Department of Homeland Security/ Border Patrol are in control?
Robert Sanford ~ Luray, Va.
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Citizens United must be repealed? NO. It’s the FEC that needs fixing.
Citizens United must be repealed
Community Thanksgiving Day Dinner touches many people in many ways
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I would assume that the police would follow the current protocol which would be to arrest and detain the person and then notify the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency. I believe that ICE would then decide on an action to take.
https://share.newsbreak.com/b1ih6olw?s=i16 DOJ is directing federal prosecutors to investigate state and local officials who stand in the way of enforcing immigration law and any state or local laws whose purpose is the same.
I don’t believe any of our local officials have stood in the way of enforcing immigration law Mr. Sanford, do you? I can’t be sure at the state level. I suppose we will find out soon.
Sherry. The US is bigger than Page County. You know that don’t you?
Robert, of course it is, but you specifically called out the Page County Sheriff’s department.
Excellent response to an obtuse comment.
Every arrest and detention will come at a the cost of every tax payer, as none of this is free.
Don’t worry Thomas. Freedom isn’t free and illegals are in the way by encouraging law breaking that causes a lot of property damage, enforcement expenses, etc. Once captured, they won’t be here much longer. Removing them is the cost effective thing.
The Fairfax Co. VA Sheriff’s Office doesn’t allow the officers to perform immigration checks at traffic stops or during arrests.
An immigrant advocate website calls Trump’s immigration enforcement a way to harm the immigrant community.
That claim of “harm”. Is that incitement?