Creamery coming to Page

HISTORY-Lee highway builders

April 14, 1887 — We have for the last year been urging our farmers and others whom we thought might be profited by the business, to look into the feasibility and cost of the establishment of creameries in various sections of the county.

We, therefore, with great pleasure publish the call signed by Mr. J.V. Jamison, having for its purpose this object.

Mr. J. is a business man, and has taken the proper initiatory step to organize such an enterprise, and we hope the farmers and others who should be interested may meet and show a liberal spirit, and thus give it a good send off.

Creameries in almost every section of the Valley have proven successful and profitable investments, and we see no reason why they should not pay in Page. 

~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier

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