Do you think Nina Fox and her department of Economic Development and Tourism could take a break from the train station debacle and concentrate on getting the East End of [Luray] a grocery store? That would be nice, greatly appreciated and maybe even productive for a change.
Joyce Legg ~ Luray, Va.
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‘Community Works’ best, together
Luray Fire Department needs help paying for new air packs
You should see the development named Rush River Commons over in Little Washington. It takes a lot of money to do anything like that. I wonder how they did it. There’s a website.
It’s hard for an independent or small chain to compete with the big Food Lion’s or Walmarts. They can’t get the products as cheap as a powerhouse or afford help to operate them properly. And face it, when most people shop they will go for the best prices. Sad but it is the reality.
I challenge Joyce Legg to tap into her entrepreneurial spirit and open up a grocery store in the east end! Go for it, I support you!