Hawksbill Pool winding down season, catalytic converters stolen and other news from Stanley

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Swimmers enjoy Stanley's Hawksbill Pool to beat the summer heat.

~ PVN staff report

STANLEY, Aug. 10 — The Hawksbill Pool is winding down another successful season with 6,179 swimmers enjoying the facility since Memorial Day weekend.

The facility — which some still call “Shuler Pool” — has hosted 25 pool parties so far this summer, held two Movie Nights and four Night Swims.

During the recent National Night Out event, the pool drew 339 swimmers on Aug. 2, with close to 500 estimated to have attended the national law enforcement event at Hawksbill Park. A total of 312 hot dogs cooked by Vice Mayor Bruce Stoneberger were handed out, along with a drink.

The Page Alliance for Community Action (PACA) held swim lessons at Hawksbill Pool this summer, and it served as home base for dozens of swimmers competing for a second season with the Stanley Stingrays in the Shenandoah Valley Swim League.

The last day of pool season is Labor Day — Monday, Sept. 5.

Under the direction of Terri Beers, the Stanley Recreation Department remains busy with another Movie Night planned for Sept. 17 in Ed Good Park. The final Night Swim was Aug. 8 and another installment of Music in the Park was held last Saturday night.

The Town will be participating in the Route 340 Yard Crawl during the second weekend in September, and preparations are already being made for the annual Halloween Block Party in late October.

In other business at its Aug. 10 meeting, the Stanley Council took the following actions:

• Received a report from Town Manager Terry Pettit that the Town has spent $654,591.60 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, with $1,081,074.40 remaining.

• Unanimously approved a motion to employ Jim Culpeper as a part-time, certified pesticide sprayer at a rate of $30 per hour.

• Received a report from the Town Manager that Christine Gillison, a safety consultant with VRSA, has offered to review the Town’s safety manual and conduct a safety inspection on Sept. 18 as a service offered by the Town’s insurance provider in an effort to reduce accidents.

• Received a report from the Town Manager that the charging station at Ed Good Park will be operational once the installation of a “final cord” is completed by Burner Electric.

• Discussed the potential of finding $16,000 in the budget to fund a proposal from Vision Technology Group to provide internet protection and back-up services for the Town’s digital records, online services and email. No action was taken, but several council members expressed a desire to move forward. Under the proposal, the rate would not change for two years and would provide 24/7 support with a quicker reaction time to problems than the Town’s current provider.

• Heard a report from the Town Manager that a Request For Bids has been published for the entrance to the new dog park at Hawksbill Park. (Bids were due and opened the next day – Aug. 11 – in Town Hall.) Fencing has been installed and benches are being made for the two-section dog park. The project is currently waiting on water features to arrive for installation.

• Heard a report from the Town Manager that after 20 years of discussion and planning (and sometimes broken promises) the Well No. 7 project was set to start last week (Aug. 10).

• Directed staff to get prices for a new truck to present for potential action at the September meeting. Two Town vehicles recently had the catalytic converters cut off and stolen. Since the vehicles needed additional work and the insurance value was low, the Town is looking into replacing at least one vehicle. If the Town moves forward, ARPA funds could be used for the purchase.

• Unanimously approved a $23,000 contract with Winchester-based engineering firm Pennoni to oversee the bid process and painting of the wastewater treatment plant. The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality requires such oversight on any project at the Town’s utility plants.

Town Clerk Norma Cubbage announced that her last day on the job will be Dec. 1, 2022. In September, Cubbage will have been employed by the Town for 29 years.

For more information about things happening in the Town of Stanley, visit townofstanley.com



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