Judge Stewart’s 75th reflects on historic period of influence

Luray Main St old

December 12, 1889 — Our honored townsman, Judge James E. Stewart, completed his three score, ten and five years last Monday, having made his advent upon the scene of this sphere Dec. 9, 1814.

Many friends called to tender their congratulations upon the event, while numbers of others at a distance testified their regard by letter. His long and useful life covers the most eventful period not only in the history of America but of the world, and none with the range of our acquaintance has stored so large and accurate a fund of its history as has the judge.

He is in fact a historical and political encyclopedia of the last century, having been himself an actor in many of the stirring events of that time, and having had a personal acquaintance, and in fact an intimacy, with many of the leading statesmen, scholars and soldiers of this country for the last 60 years.

We voice the sentiment of his friends everywhere when we express the hope that the evening of his days may be his best, and that their shadows may be stretched even yet far across the plain of life. 

~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier


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