King and Queen of Hearts


February 27, 1964 — Miss Donna Koontz and Bruce Short, seniors at Page County High School, were crowned 1964 King and Queen of Hearts at the Valentine Dance held at the school on Friday night, Feb. 21, sponsored by the junior class.

The following students, representatives from each room, made up the King and Queen’s Court: Mary McDaniel, Johnnie Greene, Sandra Mink and Bob Rosson, seniors: Betty Jo Karnes, Joe Rinaca, Juniors; Peggy Givens, Garland Comer, sophomores; Barbara Gravett, Dale Painter, freshmen; and Teresa Painter and Mike Hammer from the eighth grade.

The King and Queen were crowned by the president of the junior class, Robert Baker, and he presented them with white and red carnations. 

~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier

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