Luray man secures patent

Luray-Main St old

June 26, 1889 — Our townsman, Mr. S.L. Rhodes, has perfected a very ingenious but simple device for the purpose of securing nuts on bolts to prevent from shifting or loosening.

It is adapted for securing nuts on bolts on iron bridges, rail cars, engines, threshing machines, cylinders, buggy spindles, reaping and mowing machines, and in fact wherever threaded bolts are used, no matter what size, from the smallest to the largest bolt used for any and all purposes.

The simplicity of the patent is its best advertisement, for when applied the nut is absolutely secure, and need never be changed.

The cost over and above the common bolt will be but trifling, and when we take into consideration time lost by our farmers in stopping to repair reapers and mowers by loosening of bolts we say it will be cheaper in the long run, for as we have already said, this device will keep the bolt tight and in place forever.

We congratulate Mr. Rhodes on having secured a very valuable patent, and are proud of this evidence of the inventive genius of one of our townsmen. 

~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier


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