August 15, 1889 — B.F. Armentrout, aged about 60 years, an employee of the contractors on the smoke stack at the Tannery, was suddenly killed on the siding at the Tannery on last Saturday morning, about 8 o’clock.
Mr. Armentrout was standing on the track leaning against an empty car, when it was struck by another car which was being shifted, throwing the unfortunate man across the track, the car passing over his body diagonally from the left leg, through the stomach and chest to the left shoulder, causing instant death.
There were several men nearby at the time, only one of whom, however, saw the accident, but none could reach him in time to render assistance. Coroner Dr. Hudson immediately held an inquest, the following gentlemen acting as jurors: D.B. Snyder, J.C. Weaver, H.V. Hudson, V.H. Ford, David Stomback, C.W. Finter.
Their verdict was that “the occurrence was purely accidental, that no blame could attach to anyone for it, and that the deceased in the discharge of his duties had no business at the place where he was killed.”
Mr. Armentrout lived near John Judd on the Blue Ridge and leaves a wife and six children. His body was taken charge of by undertakers Warren and Woodward, who buried him last Sunday in the burying ground near Kimball.
~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier
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