Oldest Luray native dies

Luray museum

December 15, 1911 — Mrs. Mary A. Miller, a venerable and beloved lady whose long life was entirely spent in Luray, died at her home on Broad Street at 11:30 o’clock last Saturday night, aged 84 years, 2 months and 16 days.

Until about six months ago, Mrs. Miller’s health was excellent and she enjoyed all the pleasures of a green old age. Since then her vital forces had gradually weakened. Her final illness lasted about two weeks.

She did not seem to suffer and conversed with loved ones almost till the last losing consciousness about half an hour before death.

Mrs. Miller was born in the old Buracker home in Luray which was occupied by her sister, Miss Ann Buracker, deceased, in more recent years and was torn down about 10 years ago.

No doubt Mrs. Miller was the oldest living native of Luray. 

~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier


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