Dear Editor:
In 1990, the United States Congress designated March 25th as National Medal of Honor Day, a day dedicated to Medal of Honor recipients. This holiday should be one of our most revered. Unfortunately, all too many Americans are not even aware of its existence.
As a patriotic American, and Commander of American Legion Post #22, I want to point out two things we all can do to commemorate this very important holiday:
• Fly your Flag with pride and patriotism.
• Take a moment during the day, maybe at your evening meal, to reflect of those who sacrificed so much to protect their fellow troops, and to ensure for our citizens the freedoms and liberties that we so casually enjoy.
Find us at American Legion Post #22 on Facebook. Let us know how you will, or how you did, celebrate this day of honor to our military heroes. We would like to begin a history of celebrations for this holiday.
To learn about Medal of Honor recipients born in Virginia, go to: Virginia.pdf (mohhsus.com).
Richard Worrell, Commander American Legion Post #22 ~ Luray, Va.
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