Dear Editor,
I want to remind the good citizens of Page County that Friday, September 11th, is Patriots Day, the day our country observes our heroes of the September 11th, 2001, terrorist attacks.
I encourage all families to fly the American Flag on their houses. Businesses and government agencies are reminded that the flag should be flown at half-staff (or attach a black ribbon) from sunrise to sunset (unless illumination for night is provided).
Patriots Day is a time for our community to honor those who gave everything on that horrible day, and also a time to remind us of the sacrifice the families of those heroes have made every day since.
Patriots Day is also a day of service, but with the ongoing pandemic, it is up to each individual and family the best way to do that, being sure to include simple safeguards (wear a mask and wash hands often) to protect against contracting or spreading the COVID-19 virus.
Post #22 is currently seeking donations to fund our annual High School Seniors Scholarship Fund. Please send your contribution to A.L. Post #22, 106 Zerkel St., Luray, Va. 22835.
We thank you.
Richard Worrell ~ Commander, American Legion Post #22, Luray, Va.
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