Shenandoah City items

Luray-Main St old

May 21, 1891 — The Gem Furnace has blown in and is again in full operation. The miners stacked upon the furnace grounds during the period of making repairs about 12,000 tons of splendid iron ore, and we expect the Gem to make another long run. 

The Baptist congregation of Shenandoah has selected a lot upon which to build a church. 

An ordinance of the council of Shenandoah will not allow houses to be covered with shingles. The law requires that metal, slate or gravel roofs be used exclusively. 

The Iron Company is still finding an abundance of ore in the Fox Mountain mines. Everywhere they bore they find vines from 30 to 100 feet thick. 

~ From the public archives of the Page News and Courier


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