Shenandoah to honor veterans at May 25 service

Memorial Day_Shen VFW

Fellow United States Citizens and Friends:

As we all get busier with spring chores, there is one day that I would hope that no one would forget.

Memorial Day — This day should hold a special place in every American’s heart. It is the day specifically set aside to honor the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces who gave their lives for our country.

For the 27th consecutive year in the Town of Shenandoah, we will remember and honor all Veterans that made the ultimate sacrifice and laid down their lives for the freedoms each American has now, honor all Veterans who withstood the forces of the enemy and survived, and honor Veterans who continue fighting and serving us all so that we may remain free.

We hope you all will join me in paying tribute and honoring all Veterans at a special Memorial Service on Saturday, May 25, 2024, at 10:15 a.m. The event will be held inside the VFW Avis O. Comer Post 8613 in the Town of Shenandoah.  

Your attendance is extremely important, because it is a small way of thanking outstanding people that have done so much for us through their service in our armed forces, especially those that make the ultimate sacrifice.

Please save the date to join us at the Shenandoah VFW on Saturday, May 25, 2024, at 10:15 a.m., as we honor those who have given so much.

Looking forward to seeing Veterans and everyone interested in honoring Veterans, I am,


Clinton O. Lucas, Jr. ~ Mayor, Shenandoah, Va.

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